Wednesday, October 31

Greetings from Barcelona!

... I know AGAIN, but I have friends here and it's a great way to get away from it all... and perhaps think up some storylines for the new book...?

What is strange is the fact that, the last time I was here , just a few months ago... I was an UNPUBLISHED author. It wasn't until I got home that I got the call...

Tuesday, October 16

Hi all!

A couple of exciting developments.

As a result of a few emails back and forth, it seems I have a monthly blog! Well another one.. . actually not yet, because I haven't actually written anything, but it was loverly to be asked and I can't wait to get started on it. Stay tuned...

Oh and my Editor told me I have been assigned my own PR manager. Not bad huh?

How does this make me feel...?

I feel fine... normal? Let me start again...


Sorry if that sounds a bit luvviefied (!)

Saturday, October 13

I introduced myself as Lola, a writer...

... at a bookfair today

And it was probably the first time I'd done so with my full name, in such a public arena, outside of the publishers, agents.

Thursday, October 11


Great! Someone sneaked into my bag when I wasn't looking and took out my purse and everything it contained. I feel like a right idiot but, oh well... I will not dwell on it. I'm lucky I wasn't attacked. It could have been so much worse and I thank God it wasn't.

Tuesday, October 9

WE HAVE A TITLE!!!!!!!!!!!!


It was one I thought of. Am very pleased with it (even though I liked the first one). It's really quite good. Intriuiging. And everyone involved at the publishers, seem to think so too.
O.K. then.
But coz I've been here before, I wont reveal it until It's been given the pwoper, pwoper okay...

Friday, October 5


What a feeling - indeed Mike.
And thanks, because now I wont be able to get that song out of my head....

Tuesday, October 2

I have sold a copy of my book......!

.... Sort of.
My friend has just pre-ordered it. My first? I don't know. Maybe. And it feels great. I have told him to email me the purchase comfirmation, because I so can't wait to see it!!!!!
Am I strange?
Yep, probably.

Perhaps I need to, as Destiny Child once said; "Say my name, say my name!"...

Thank you Hera.

It's Lola.



Now you can type it in and see what comes up... Err.. nothing much. No artwork and a (now defunct) title, but hey, I have a release date!!! Happy Happy Happy. Plus, I got some GREEEAAAT news last night regarding a NEW member to the family (no, not from me!). A new niece is on the way and I am truly, wildly, madly excited.
A good year.