I’m back!
On the 14th February, feeling low at my lack of valentine cards and I got my work laptop out and just… wrote. Something new. Of course the first chapter reflected how I was feeling at that moment and soon manifested itself into the beginnings of a dare I say it… novel..? Ooooh, I feel all cold, fluffy and yet so excited!!!!
I am not to be messed with! Trawling the Internet, I have found a list of literary competitions I could enter. I started sending stuff out. Older things I had written, some of the current novel. I came across an interesting event for authors I had never heard of. The Annual Writers Conference. Looking into it, it’s a place where writers from all over the place, get together and attend workshops and, get this, ONE- TO-ONE INTERVIEWS WITH LITERARY ASGENTS. Real ones. This is too good. I cannot believe it. I contact them right away and booked my place, along with THREE 15 minute interviews with top literary agents. I really can’t wait. I’ve got to make sure I have at least three chapters ready and polished of my new novel. But more importantly, what am I going to wear????
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