Saturday, March 17

OH MY....

Has it already been over a month?
No, I wasn't so depressed at reaching my old age that I decided to go to ground.. no. I've been busy finishing and re-editing and re-editing my manuscript. I showed it to my Muse (the one in the industry, keep up) and he's given it a seal of approval. Said I must give it to my agent right away. So by tommorow, I would have finished the final grmmer/ silly sentance edit and will send it off to her on tuesday afternoon..

This time, I will not be changing it drastically like my last MS. I will have the confidence to know that this is the book for me.
The true me.
This is my book.
Anyhow's, its now seven pm and I've been editing since around ten thirty (with breaks of course). I need to eat methinks.
Back soon.

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