Tuesday, October 16

Hi all!

A couple of exciting developments.

As a result of a few emails back and forth, it seems I have a monthly blog! Well another one.. . actually not yet, because I haven't actually written anything, but it was loverly to be asked and I can't wait to get started on it. Stay tuned...

Oh and my Editor told me I have been assigned my own PR manager. Not bad huh?

How does this make me feel...?

I feel fine... normal? Let me start again...


Sorry if that sounds a bit luvviefied (!)


Middle Ditch said...

Hi, I feel for you. I have been trying to get my scripts on tv for seven years. It is not what you know but who you know in that world. I decided to take the bull by the horns and began to write for radio. Easier I thought. How wrong was I! The same applied. Thus now I broadcast my work on the internet. Visit middleditch.blogspot and listen to quirky tales of village life. My friends have great fun recording the episodes.


Middle Ditch said...

Hi, I feel for you. I have been trying to get my scripts on tv for seven years. It is not what you know but who you know in that world. I decided to take the bull by the horns and began to write for radio. Easier I thought. How wrong was I! The same applied. Thus now I broadcast my work on the internet. Visit middleditch.blogspot and listen to quirky tales of village life. My friends have great fun recording the episodes.
