Monday, August 28

Flattery, elasticated slacks and raves.

Thank you Gina. I loved your comments and had to fight rushes of flattery at the news that I am on your 'refferalls list' and you looked at my archives. Nice one!

Well in England, it's a Bank Holiday and I'm not writing today. I am still recovering from my poetry/Dj's /live music extravaganza, last night. During which my neice called and I had to text back amongst the thros of all the loud music and politely explain I was at a 'rave' and I'd have to call her back. Her amusing textual reply got me thinking; Her Aunty is out 'raving' whilst SHE is at home looking after a child. Isn't it supposed to be the other way round??
Talking of which, I woke up feeling dreadfull (even though I hadn't gotten drunk) its just my ageing body PLEADING; HELP ME, HELP ME. To my defence, I fitted in a short run this afternoon, have cooked a curry AND have just updated me Blog!

Have a great day!

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