Wednesday, May 2

I have two bosses at work so I told one on monday about the contract and told the other one today. She (and those I have told) was soooo sweet. One thing she said which really stood out was; "When I've talked to you, I always knew there was somthing more to you."
Wow, that was nice.
I still haven't told everyone in my life. I guess I'm a little scared of people's reactions...
What I have started doing though is contacting those I feel have really been instrumental in helping me... if you look back at this Blog, you'll see the lady editor who pushed for me at Hodder many years ago... the manuscript evaluation lady who also helped me.. and others. I have already contacted one and told her the news. She was so great about it and seeme genuinly happy for me. Their support over the years has never been forgotten. Telling me they believed I had talent at a time when many were rejecting most things I wrote....

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